Source code for zserio.array

The module implements abstraction for arrays used by Zserio python extension.

import typing

from zserio.bitposition import alignto
from zserio.bitsizeof import (
from zserio.bitreader import BitStreamReader
from zserio.bitwriter import BitStreamWriter
from zserio.bitbuffer import BitBuffer
from zserio.hashcode import (
from zserio.exception import PythonRuntimeException

[docs]class Array: """ Abstraction for arrays to which Zserio arrays are mapped in python. """ def __init__( self, array_traits: typing.Any, raw_array: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, *, is_auto: bool = False, is_implicit: bool = False, set_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, check_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = None ) -> None: """ Constructor. :param array_traits: Array traits which specify the array type. :param raw_array: Native python list which will be hold by this abstraction. :param is_auto: True if mapped Zserio array is auto array. :param is_implicit: True if mapped Zserio array is implicit array. :param set_offset_method: Set offset method if mapped Zserio array is indexed offset array. :param check_offset_method: Check offset method if mapped Zserio array is indexed offset array. """ self._raw_array: typing.List = [] if raw_array is None else raw_array self._array_traits: typing.Any = array_traits self._packed_array_traits: typing.Any = array_traits.packed_traits self._is_auto: bool = is_auto self._is_implicit: bool = is_implicit self._set_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = set_offset_method self._check_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = check_offset_method
[docs] @classmethod def from_reader( cls: typing.Type["Array"], array_traits: typing.Any, reader: BitStreamReader, size: int = 0, *, is_auto: bool = False, is_implicit: bool = False, set_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, check_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = None ) -> "Array": """ Constructs array and reads elements from the given bit stream reader. :param array_traits: Array traits which specify the array type. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :param size: Number of elements to read or None in case of implicit or auto arrays. :param raw_array: Native python list which will be hold by this abstraction. :param is_auto: True if mapped Zserio array is auto array. :param is_implicit: True if mapped Zserio array is implicit array. :param set_offset_method: Set offset method if mapped Zserio array is indexed offset array. :param check_offset_method: Check offset method if mapped Zserio array is indexed offset array. :returns: Array instance filled using given bit stream reader. """ instance = cls( array_traits, is_auto=is_auto, is_implicit=is_implicit, set_offset_method=set_offset_method, check_offset_method=check_offset_method, ), size) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_reader_packed( cls: typing.Type["Array"], array_traits: typing.Any, reader: BitStreamReader, size: int = 0, *, is_auto: bool = False, set_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, check_offset_method: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], None]] = None ) -> "Array": """ Constructs packed array and reads elements from the given bit stream reader. :param array_traits: Array traits which specify the array type. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :param size: Number of elements to read or None in case of implicit or auto arrays. :param raw_array: Native python list which will be hold by this abstraction. :param is_auto: True if mapped Zserio array is auto array. :param set_offset_method: Set offset method if mapped Zserio array is indexed offset array. :param check_offset_method: Check offset method if mapped Zserio array is indexed offset array. :returns: Array instance filled using given bit stream reader. """ instance = cls( array_traits, is_auto=is_auto, is_implicit=False, set_offset_method=set_offset_method, check_offset_method=check_offset_method, ) instance.read_packed(reader, size) return instance
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: # it's enough to check only raw_array because compound types which call this are always the same type if isinstance(other, Array): return self._raw_array == other._raw_array return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._array_traits.CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC(HASH_SEED, self._raw_array) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._raw_array) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> typing.Any: return self._raw_array[key] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: typing.Any) -> None: self._raw_array[key] = value @property def raw_array(self) -> typing.List: """ Gets raw array. :returns: Native python list which is hold by the array. """ return self._raw_array
[docs] def bitsizeof(self, bitposition: int) -> int: """ Returns length of array stored in the bit stream in bits. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :returns: Length of the array stored in the bit stream in bits. """ end_bitposition = bitposition size = len(self._raw_array) if self._is_auto: end_bitposition += bitsizeof_varsize(size) if self._array_traits.HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT and size > 0: element_size = self._array_traits.bitsizeof() if self._set_offset_method is None: end_bitposition += size * element_size else: end_bitposition = alignto(8, end_bitposition) end_bitposition += element_size + (size - 1) * alignto(8, element_size) else: array_traits_bitsizeof = self._array_traits.bitsizeof if self._set_offset_method is not None: if self._array_traits.NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition = alignto(8, end_bitposition) end_bitposition += array_traits_bitsizeof(end_bitposition, element) else: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition = alignto(8, end_bitposition) end_bitposition += array_traits_bitsizeof(element) else: if self._array_traits.NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition += array_traits_bitsizeof(end_bitposition, element) else: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition += array_traits_bitsizeof(element) return end_bitposition - bitposition
[docs] def bitsizeof_packed(self, bitposition: int) -> int: """ Returns length of the packed array stored in the bit stream in bits. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :returns: Length of the array stored in the bit stream in bits. """ end_bitposition = bitposition size = len(self._raw_array) if self._is_auto: end_bitposition += bitsizeof_varsize(size) if size > 0: context = self._packed_array_traits.create_context() packed_array_traits_init_context = self._packed_array_traits.init_context packed_array_traits_bitsizeof = self._packed_array_traits.bitsizeof for element in self._raw_array: packed_array_traits_init_context(context, element) if self._set_offset_method is not None: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition = alignto(8, end_bitposition) end_bitposition += packed_array_traits_bitsizeof(context, end_bitposition, element) else: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition += packed_array_traits_bitsizeof(context, end_bitposition, element) return end_bitposition - bitposition
[docs] def initialize_offsets(self, bitposition: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for the array. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after the array. """ end_bitposition = bitposition size = len(self._raw_array) if self._is_auto: end_bitposition += bitsizeof_varsize(size) array_traits_initialize_offsets = self._array_traits.initialize_offsets if self._set_offset_method is not None: set_offset = self._set_offset_method for index in range(size): end_bitposition = alignto(8, end_bitposition) set_offset(index, end_bitposition) end_bitposition = array_traits_initialize_offsets(end_bitposition, self._raw_array[index]) else: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition = array_traits_initialize_offsets(end_bitposition, element) return end_bitposition
[docs] def initialize_offsets_packed(self, bitposition: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for the packed array. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after the array. """ end_bitposition = bitposition size = len(self._raw_array) if self._is_auto: end_bitposition += bitsizeof_varsize(size) if size > 0: context = self._packed_array_traits.create_context() packed_array_traits_init_context = self._packed_array_traits.init_context packed_array_traits_initialize_offsets = self._packed_array_traits.initialize_offsets for element in self._raw_array: packed_array_traits_init_context(context, element) if self._set_offset_method is not None: set_offset = self._set_offset_method for index in range(size): end_bitposition = alignto(8, end_bitposition) set_offset(index, end_bitposition) end_bitposition = packed_array_traits_initialize_offsets( context, end_bitposition, self._raw_array[index] ) else: for element in self._raw_array: end_bitposition = packed_array_traits_initialize_offsets(context, end_bitposition, element) return end_bitposition
[docs] def read(self, reader: BitStreamReader, size: int = 0) -> None: """ Reads array from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :param size: Number of elements to read or None in case of implicit or auto arrays. :raises PythonRuntimeException: If the implicit array does not have elements with constant bit size. """ self._raw_array.clear() append = self._raw_array.append array_traits_read = if self._is_implicit: if not self._array_traits.HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT: raise PythonRuntimeException("Array: Implicit array elements must have constant bit size!") element_size = self._array_traits.bitsizeof() remaining_bits = reader.buffer_bitsize - reader.bitposition read_size = remaining_bits // element_size for _ in range(read_size): # we know that no traits NEEDS_READ_INDEX here append(array_traits_read(reader)) else: if self._is_auto: read_size = reader.read_varsize() else: read_size = size if self._check_offset_method is not None: check_offset = self._check_offset_method reader_alignto = reader.alignto if self._array_traits.NEEDS_READ_INDEX: for index in range(read_size): reader_alignto(8) check_offset(index, reader.bitposition) append(array_traits_read(reader, index)) else: for index in range(read_size): reader_alignto(8) check_offset(index, reader.bitposition) append(array_traits_read(reader)) else: if self._array_traits.NEEDS_READ_INDEX: for index in range(read_size): append(array_traits_read(reader, index)) else: for _ in range(read_size): append(array_traits_read(reader))
[docs] def read_packed(self, reader: BitStreamReader, size: int = 0) -> None: """ Reads packed array from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :param size: Number of elements to read or 0 in case of auto arrays. """ self._raw_array.clear() if self._is_implicit: raise PythonRuntimeException("Array: Implicit array cannot be packed!") if self._is_auto: read_size = reader.read_varsize() else: read_size = size if read_size > 0: context = self._packed_array_traits.create_context() append = self._raw_array.append packed_array_traits_read = if self._check_offset_method is not None: check_offset = self._check_offset_method reader_alignto = reader.alignto for index in range(read_size): reader_alignto(8) check_offset(index, reader.bitposition) append(packed_array_traits_read(context, reader, index)) else: for index in range(read_size): append(packed_array_traits_read(context, reader, index))
[docs] def write(self, writer: BitStreamWriter) -> None: """ Writes array to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. """ size = len(self._raw_array) if self._is_auto: writer.write_varsize(size) array_traits_write = self._array_traits.write if self._check_offset_method is not None: check_offset = self._check_offset_method writer_alignto = writer.alignto for index in range(size): writer_alignto(8) check_offset(index, writer.bitposition) array_traits_write(writer, self._raw_array[index]) else: for element in self._raw_array: array_traits_write(writer, element)
[docs] def write_packed(self, writer: BitStreamWriter) -> None: """ Writes packed array to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. """ size = len(self._raw_array) if self._is_auto: writer.write_varsize(size) if size > 0: context = self._packed_array_traits.create_context() packed_array_traits_init_context = self._packed_array_traits.init_context packed_array_traits_write = self._packed_array_traits.write for element in self._raw_array: packed_array_traits_init_context(context, element) if self._check_offset_method is not None: check_offset = self._check_offset_method writer_alignto = writer.alignto for index in range(size): writer_alignto(8) check_offset(index, writer.bitposition) packed_array_traits_write(context, writer, self._raw_array[index]) else: for element in self._raw_array: packed_array_traits_write(context, writer, element)
[docs]class DeltaContext: """ Context for delta packing created for each packable field. Contexts are always newly created for each array operation (bitsizeof, initialize_offsets, read, write). They must be initialized at first via calling the init method for each packable element present in the array. After the full initialization, only a single method (bitsizeof, read, write) can be repeatedly called for exactly the same sequence of packable elements. Example:: context = DeltaContext(array_traits) for element in array: context.init(element) # initialization step, needed for max_bit_number calculation context.write_descriptor(writer) # finishes the initialization for element in array: context.write(writer, element) """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Constructor.""" self._is_packed = False self._max_bit_number = 0 self._previous_element: typing.Optional[int] = None self._processing_started = False self._unpacked_bitsize = 0 self._first_element_bitsize = 0 self._num_elements = 0
[docs] def init(self, array_traits: typing.Any, element: int) -> None: """ Makes initialization step for the provided array element. :param array_traits: Standard array traits. :param element: Current element of the array. """ self._num_elements += 1 self._unpacked_bitsize += DeltaContext._bitsizeof_unpacked(array_traits, element) if self._previous_element is None: self._previous_element = element self._first_element_bitsize = self._unpacked_bitsize else: if self._max_bit_number <= self._MAX_BIT_NUMBER_LIMIT: self._is_packed = True delta = element - self._previous_element max_bit_number = delta.bit_length() # if delta is negative, we need one bit more because of sign # if delta is positive, we need one bit more because delta are treated as signed number # if delta is zero, we need one bit more because bit_length() returned zero if max_bit_number > self._max_bit_number: self._max_bit_number = max_bit_number if max_bit_number > self._MAX_BIT_NUMBER_LIMIT: self._is_packed = False self._previous_element = element
[docs] def bitsizeof(self, array_traits: typing.Any, element: int) -> int: """ Returns length of the element representation stored in the bit stream in bits. :param array_traits: Standard integral array traits. :param element: Current element. :returns: Length of the element representation stored in the bit stream in bits. """ if not self._processing_started: self._processing_started = True self._finish_init() return self._bitsizeof_descriptor() + DeltaContext._bitsizeof_unpacked(array_traits, element) elif not self._is_packed: return DeltaContext._bitsizeof_unpacked(array_traits, element) else: return self._max_bit_number + 1 if self._max_bit_number > 0 else 0
[docs] def read(self, array_traits: typing.Any, reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads the packed element from the bit stream. :param array_traits: Standard array traits. :param reader: Bit stream reader. """ if not self._processing_started: self._processing_started = True self._read_descriptor(reader) return self._read_unpacked(array_traits, reader) elif not self._is_packed: return self._read_unpacked(array_traits, reader) else: assert self._previous_element is not None if self._max_bit_number > 0: delta = reader.read_signed_bits_unchecked(self._max_bit_number + 1) self._previous_element += delta return self._previous_element
[docs] def write(self, array_traits: typing.Any, writer: BitStreamWriter, element: int) -> None: """ Writes the packed element representation to the bit stream. :param array_traits: Standard array traits. :param writer: Bit stream writer. :param element: Element to write. """ if not self._processing_started: self._processing_started = True self._finish_init() self._write_descriptor(writer) self._write_unpacked(array_traits, writer, element) elif not self._is_packed: self._write_unpacked(array_traits, writer, element) else: # packed and not first assert self._previous_element is not None if self._max_bit_number > 0: delta = element - self._previous_element writer.write_signed_bits_unchecked(delta, self._max_bit_number + 1) self._previous_element = element
def _finish_init(self) -> None: if self._is_packed: delta_bitsize = self._max_bit_number + 1 if self._max_bit_number > 0 else 0 packed_bitsize_with_descriptor = ( 1 + self._MAX_BIT_NUMBER_BITS # descriptor + self._first_element_bitsize + (self._num_elements - 1) * delta_bitsize ) unpacked_bitsize_with_descriptor = 1 + self._unpacked_bitsize if packed_bitsize_with_descriptor >= unpacked_bitsize_with_descriptor: self._is_packed = False def _bitsizeof_descriptor(self) -> int: if self._is_packed: return 1 + self._MAX_BIT_NUMBER_BITS else: return 1 @staticmethod def _bitsizeof_unpacked(array_traits: typing.Any, element: int) -> int: if array_traits.HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT: return array_traits.bitsizeof() else: # we know that NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION is False here return array_traits.bitsizeof(element) def _read_descriptor(self, reader: BitStreamReader) -> None: self._is_packed = reader.read_bool() if self._is_packed: self._max_bit_number = reader.read_bits_unchecked(self._MAX_BIT_NUMBER_BITS) def _read_unpacked(self, array_traits: typing.Any, reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: element = self._previous_element = element return element def _write_descriptor(self, writer: BitStreamWriter) -> None: writer.write_bool(self._is_packed) if self._is_packed: writer.write_bits_unchecked(self._max_bit_number, self._MAX_BIT_NUMBER_BITS) def _write_unpacked(self, array_traits: typing.Any, writer: BitStreamWriter, element: int) -> None: self._previous_element = element array_traits.write(writer, element) _MAX_BIT_NUMBER_BITS = 6 _MAX_BIT_NUMBER_LIMIT = 62
[docs]class PackedArrayTraits: """ Packed array traits. Packed array traits are used for all built-in types. """ def __init__(self, array_traits: typing.Any) -> None: """ Constructor. :param array_traits: Standard array traits. """ self._array_traits = array_traits
[docs] @staticmethod def create_context() -> DeltaContext: """ Creates new packing context - DeltaContext is used for non-object arrays. :returns: New packing context. """ return DeltaContext()
[docs] def init_context(self, delta_context: DeltaContext, element: int) -> None: """ Calls context initialization step for the current element. :param delta_context: Delta context. :param element: Current element. """ delta_context.init(self._array_traits, element)
[docs] def bitsizeof(self, delta_context: DeltaContext, _bitposition: int, element: int) -> int: """ Returns length of the array element stored in the bit stream in bits. :param delta_context: Delta context. :param _bitposition: Current bit stream position (not used). :param elemnet: Current element. :returns: Length of the array element stored in the bit stream in bits. """ return delta_context.bitsizeof(self._array_traits, element)
[docs] def initialize_offsets(self, delta_context: DeltaContext, bitposition: int, element: int) -> int: """ Calls indexed offsets initialization for the current element. :param delta_context: Delta context. :param _bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param element: Current element. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after this element. """ return bitposition + delta_context.bitsizeof(self._array_traits, element)
[docs] def write(self, delta_context: DeltaContext, writer: BitStreamWriter, element: int) -> None: """ Writes the element to the bit stream. :param delta_context: Delta context. :param writer: Bit stream writer. :param element: Element to write. """ delta_context.write(self._array_traits, writer, element)
[docs] def read(self, delta_context: DeltaContext, reader: BitStreamReader, _index: int) -> int: """ Read an element from the bit stream. :param delta_context: Delta context. :param reader: Bit stream reader. :param _index: Not used. :returns: Read element value. """ return, reader)
[docs]class ObjectPackedArrayTraits: """ Packed array traits for Zserio objects. This traits are used for Zserio objects which must implement special *_packed* methods to allow itself to be used in a packed array. """ def __init__(self, element_factory: typing.Any): """ Constructor. :param element_factory: Element factory which creates packed object from the element index. """ self._element_factory = element_factory
[docs] def create_context(self) -> typing.Any: """ Creates new packing context - generated ZserioPackingContext is used for object arrays. :returns: New packing context. """ return self._element_factory.create_packing_context()
[docs] @staticmethod def init_context(context: typing.Any, element: typing.Any) -> None: """ Calls context initialization step for the current element. :param context: Packing context. :param element: Current element. """ element.init_packing_context(context)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(context: typing.Any, bitposition: int, element: typing.Any) -> int: """ Returns length of the array element stored in the bit stream in bits. :param context: Packing context. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param elemnet: Current element. :returns: Length of the array element stored in the bit stream in bits. """ return element.bitsizeof_packed(context, bitposition)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(context: typing.Any, bitposition: int, element: typing.Any) -> int: """ Calls indexed offsets initialization for the current element. :param context: Packing context. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param element: Current element. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after this element. """ return element.initialize_offsets_packed(context, bitposition)
[docs] @staticmethod def write(context: typing.Any, writer: BitStreamWriter, element: typing.Any) -> None: """ Writes the element to the bit stream. :param context: Packing context. :param writer: Bit stream writer. :param element: Element to write. """ element.write_packed(context, writer)
[docs] def read(self, context: typing.Any, reader: BitStreamReader, index: int) -> typing.Any: """ Read an element from the bit stream. :param context: Packing context. :param reader: Bit stream reader. :param index: Index of the current element. :returns: Read element value. """ return self._element_factory.create_packed(context, reader, index)
[docs]class BitFieldArrayTraits: """ Array traits for unsigned fixed integer Zserio types (uint16, uint32, uint64, bit:5, etc...). """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = True NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) def __init__(self, numbits: int) -> None: """ Constructor. :param numbits: Number of bits for unsigned fixed integer Zserio type. """ self._numbits = numbits @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] def bitsizeof(self) -> int: """ Returns length of unsigned fixed integer Zserio type stored in the bit stream in bits. :returns: Length of unsigned fixed integer Zserio type in bits. """ return self._numbits
[docs] def initialize_offsets(self, bitposition: int, _value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for unsigned fixed integer Zserio type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param _value: Not used. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after unsigned fixed integer type. """ return bitposition + self.bitsizeof()
[docs] def read(self, reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads unsigned fixed integer Zserio type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read unsigned int value. """ return reader.read_bits(self._numbits)
[docs] def write(self, writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes unsigned fixed integer Zserio type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Unsigned fixed integer Zserio type to write. """ writer.write_bits(value, self._numbits)
[docs]class SignedBitFieldArrayTraits: """ Array traits for signed fixed integer Zserio types (int16, int32, int64, int:5, etc...). """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = True NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) def __init__(self, numbits: int) -> None: """ Constructor. :param numbits: Number of bits for signed fixed integer Zserio type. """ self._numbits = numbits @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] def bitsizeof(self) -> int: """ Returns length of signed fixed integer Zserio type stored in the bit stream in bits. :returns: Length of signed fixed integer Zserio type in bits. """ return self._numbits
[docs] def initialize_offsets(self, bitposition: int, _value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for signed fixed integer Zserio type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param _value: Not used. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after signed fixed integer type. """ return bitposition + self.bitsizeof()
[docs] def read(self, reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads signed fixed integer Zserio type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read signed int value. """ return reader.read_signed_bits(self._numbits)
[docs] def write(self, writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes signed fixed integer Zserio type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Signed fixed integer Zserio type to write. """ writer.write_signed_bits(value, self._numbits)
[docs]class VarUInt16ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varuint16 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varuint16 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varuint16 type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varuint16 type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varuint16(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varuint16 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varuint16 type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varuint16 type. """ return bitposition + VarUInt16ArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varuint16 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. """ return reader.read_varuint16()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varuint16 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varuint16 type to write. :returns: Read varuint16 value. """ writer.write_varuint16(value)
[docs]class VarUInt32ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varuint32 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varuint32 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varuint32 type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varuint32 type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varuint32(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varuint32 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varuint32 type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varuint32 type. """ return bitposition + VarUInt32ArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varuint32 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varuint32 value. """ return reader.read_varuint32()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varuint32 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varuint32 type to write. """ writer.write_varuint32(value)
[docs]class VarUInt64ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varuint64 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varuint64 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varuint64 type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varuint64 type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varuint64(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varuint64 type. :param value: Zserio varuint64 type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varuint64 type. """ return bitposition + VarUInt64ArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varuint64 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varuint64 value. """ return reader.read_varuint64()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varuint64 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varuint64 type to write. """ writer.write_varuint64(value)
[docs]class VarUIntArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varuint type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varuint type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varuint type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varuint type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varuint(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varuint type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varuint type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varuint type. """ return bitposition + VarUIntArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varuint type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varuint value. """ return reader.read_varuint()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varuint type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varuint type to write. """ writer.write_varuint(value)
[docs]class VarSizeArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varsize type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varsize type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varsize type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varsize type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varsize(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varsize type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varsize type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varsize type. """ return bitposition + VarSizeArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varsize type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varsize value. """ return reader.read_varsize()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varsize type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varsize type to write. """ writer.write_varsize(value)
[docs]class VarInt16ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varint16 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varint16 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varint16 type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varint16 type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varint16(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varint16 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varint16 type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varint16 type. """ return bitposition + VarInt16ArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varint16 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varint16 value. """ return reader.read_varint16()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varint16 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varint16 type to write. """ writer.write_varint16(value)
[docs]class VarInt32ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varint32 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varint32 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varint32 type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varint32 type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varint32(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varint32 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varint32 type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varint32 type. """ return bitposition + VarInt32ArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varint32 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varint32 value. """ return reader.read_varint32()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varint32 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varint32 type to write. """ writer.write_varint32(value)
[docs]class VarInt64ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varint64 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varint64 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varint64 type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varint64 type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varint64(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varint64 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varint64 type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varint64 type. """ return bitposition + VarInt64ArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varint64 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varint64 value. """ return reader.read_varint64()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varint64 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varint64 type to write. """ writer.write_varint64(value)
[docs]class VarIntArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio varint type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_int_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> PackedArrayTraits: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: PackedArrayTraits instance. """ return PackedArrayTraits(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: int) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio varint type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio varint type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio varint type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_varint(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: int) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio varint type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio varint type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio varint type. """ return bitposition + VarIntArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> int: """ Reads Zserio varint type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read varint value. """ return reader.read_varint()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: int) -> None: """ Writes Zserio varint type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio varint type to write. """ writer.write_varint(value)
[docs]class Float16ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio float16 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = True NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_float32_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since float type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof() -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio float16 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :returns: Length of Zserio float16 type in bits. """ return 16
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, _value: float) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio float16 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param _value: Not used. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio float16 type. """ return bitposition + Float16ArrayTraits.bitsizeof()
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> float: """ Reads Zserio float16 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. """ return reader.read_float16()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: float) -> None: """ Writes Zserio float16 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio float16 type to write. :returns: Read float16 value. """ writer.write_float16(value)
[docs]class Float32ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio float32 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = True NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_float32_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since float type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof() -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio float32 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :returns: Length of Zserio float32 type in bits. """ return 32
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, _value: float) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio float32 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param _value: Not used. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio float32 type. """ return bitposition + Float32ArrayTraits.bitsizeof()
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> float: """ Reads Zserio float32 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read float32 value. """ return reader.read_float32()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: float) -> None: """ Writes Zserio float32 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio float32 type to write. """ writer.write_float32(value)
[docs]class Float64ArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio float64 type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = True NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_float64_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since float type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof() -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio float64 type stored in the bit stream in bits. :returns: Length of Zserio float64 type in bits. """ return 64
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, _value: float) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio float64 type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param _value: Not used. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio float64 type. """ return bitposition + Float64ArrayTraits.bitsizeof()
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> float: """ Reads Zserio float64 type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read float64 value. """ return reader.read_float64()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: float) -> None: """ Writes Zserio float64 type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio float64 type to write. """ writer.write_float64(value)
[docs]class BytesArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio bytes type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_bytes_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since Bytes type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: bytearray) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio bytes type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio bytes type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio bytes type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_bytes(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: bytearray) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio bytes type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio bytes type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio bytes type. """ return bitposition + BytesArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> bytearray: """ Reads Zserio bytes type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read bytes value. """ return reader.read_bytes()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: bytearray) -> None: """ Writes Zserio bytes type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio bytes type to write. """ writer.write_bytes(value)
[docs]class StringArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio string type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_string_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since String type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: str) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio string type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio string type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio string type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_string(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: str) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio string type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio string type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio string type. """ return bitposition + StringArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> str: """ Reads Zserio string type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read string value. """ return reader.read_string()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: str) -> None: """ Writes Zserio string type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio string type to write. """ writer.write_string(value)
[docs]class BoolArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio bool type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = True NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_bool_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since Bool type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof() -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio bool type stored in the bit stream in bits. :returns: Length of Zserio bool type in bits. """ return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, _value: bool) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio bool type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param _value: Not used. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio bool type. """ return bitposition + BoolArrayTraits.bitsizeof()
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> bool: """ Reads Zserio bool type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read bool value. """ return reader.read_bool()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: bool) -> None: """ Writes Zserio bool type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio bool type to write. """ writer.write_bool(value)
[docs]class BitBufferArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio extern bit buffer type. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = False NEEDS_READ_INDEX = False CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_object_array) @property def packed_traits(self) -> None: """ Returns None since BitBuffer type is not packable. :returns: None. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(value: BitBuffer) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio extern bit buffer type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param value: Zserio extern bit buffer type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio string type in bits. """ return bitsizeof_bitbuffer(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: BitBuffer) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for Zserio extern bit buffer type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio extern bit buffer type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after Zserio extern bit buffer type. """ return bitposition + BitBufferArrayTraits.bitsizeof(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(reader: BitStreamReader) -> BitBuffer: """ Reads Zserio extern bit buffer type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :returns: Read bit buffer value. """ return reader.read_bitbuffer()
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: BitBuffer) -> None: """ Writes Zserio extern bit buffer type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio extern bit buffer type to write. """ writer.write_bitbuffer(value)
[docs]class ObjectArrayTraits: """ Array traits for Zserio structure, choice, union and enum types. """ HAS_BITSIZEOF_CONSTANT = False NEEDS_BITSIZEOF_POSITION = True NEEDS_READ_INDEX = True CALC_HASHCODE_FUNC = staticmethod(calc_hashcode_object_array) def __init__(self, element_factory: typing.Any) -> None: """ Constructor. :param element_factory: Element factory which creates object from the element index. """ self._element_factory = element_factory self._packed_traits = ( ObjectPackedArrayTraits(element_factory) if element_factory.IS_OBJECT_PACKABLE else None ) @property def packed_traits(self) -> typing.Optional[ObjectPackedArrayTraits]: """ Gets packed array traits. :returns: ObjectPackedArrayTraits instance. """ return self._packed_traits
[docs] @staticmethod def bitsizeof(bitposition: int, value: typing.Any) -> int: """ Returns length of Zserio object type stored in the bit stream in bits. :param bitposition: Current bit position in bit stream. :param value: Zserio object type value. :returns: Length of given Zserio object type in bits. """ return value.bitsizeof(bitposition)
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_offsets(bitposition: int, value: typing.Any) -> int: """ Initializes indexed offsets for the Zserio object type. :param bitposition: Current bit stream position. :param value: Zserio object type value. :returns: Updated bit stream position which points to the first bit after the Zserio object type. """ return value.initialize_offsets(bitposition)
[docs] def read(self, reader: BitStreamReader, index: int) -> typing.Any: """ Reads Zserio object type from the bit stream. :param reader: Bit stream from which to read. :param index: Element index in the array. :returns: Read object. """ return self._element_factory.create(reader, index)
[docs] @staticmethod def write(writer: BitStreamWriter, value: typing.Any) -> None: """ Writes Zserio object type to the bit stream. :param writer: Bit stream where to write. :param value: Zserio object type to write. """ value.write(writer)