Source code for zserio.cppbind

The module provides helper for importing of optimized C++ classes.

import importlib
import os
import typing

ZSERIO_CPP_MODULE = "zserio_cpp"

[docs]def import_cpp_class(cppname: str, *, exception_class=None) -> typing.Optional[typing.Type[typing.Any]]: """ Tries to import optimized C++ implementation of the given python class if 'ZSERIO_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION' environment variable is either unset or set to 'cpp'. Depending on the content of the 'ZSERIO_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION' environment variable, it either fails when no C++ implementation is available ('cpp') or ignores missing implementation and just return the original python class (None) or even does not try to load the C++ implementation if the variable is set to anyhing else (e.g. 'python'). :param pyclass: Pure python class implemenation for which the C++ optimized version should be loaded. :param cppname: Name of optimized C++ class in case that it differs from the pyclass name. :param exception_class: Exception to raise in case of an error. :returns: Requested implemenation of the given pyclass. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the requested implementation is not available. """ if exception_class is None: # we need to break cyclic import from zserio.exception # pylint: disable-next=cyclic-import,import-outside-toplevel from zserio.exception import PythonRuntimeException exception_class = PythonRuntimeException impl = os.getenv(ZSERIO_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION_ENV) if not impl in [None, "python", "cpp", "c++"]: raise exception_class(f"Zserio Python runtime implementation '{impl}' is not available!") if impl != "python": try: return getattr(importlib.import_module(ZSERIO_CPP_MODULE), cppname) except (ImportError, AttributeError) as err: if impl in ["cpp", "c++"]: message = f"Zserio C++ implementation of '{cppname}' is not available!" raise exception_class(message) from err return None