Source code for zserio.creator

The module implements creator of zserio object tree based on type info.

import typing
import enum

from zserio.typeinfo import (
from zserio.exception import PythonRuntimeException

[docs]class ZserioTreeCreator: """ Allows to build zserio object tree defined by the given type info. """ def __init__( self, type_info: typing.Union[TypeInfo, RecursiveTypeInfo], *arguments: typing.List[typing.Any], ) -> None: """ Constructor. :param type_info: Type info defining the tree. :param arguments: Arguments for type which defines the tree. """ self._root_type_info = type_info self._root_arguments = arguments self._member_info_stack: typing.List[MemberInfo] = [] self._value_stack: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.BEFORE_ROOT
[docs] def begin_root(self) -> None: """ Creates the top level compound element and move to state of building its children. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.BEFORE_ROOT: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot begin root in state '{self._state}'!") self._value_stack.append(self._root_type_info.py_type(*self._root_arguments)) self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND
[docs] def end_root(self) -> typing.Any: """ Finishes building and returns the created tree. :returns: Zserio object tree. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in state of building the root object. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND or len(self._value_stack) != 1: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot end root in state '{self._state}'!") self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.BEFORE_ROOT return self._value_stack.pop()
[docs] def begin_array(self, name: str) -> None: """ Creates an array field within the current compound. :param name: Name of the array field. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the field doesn't exist or when the creator is not in a compound. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot begin array in state '{self._state}'!") member_info = self._find_member_info(self._get_type_info(), name) if not MemberAttribute.ARRAY_LENGTH in member_info.attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException( "ZserioTreeCreator: Field " f"'{member_info.schema_name}' is not an array!" ) self._member_info_stack.append(member_info) self._value_stack.append([]) self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_ARRAY
[docs] def end_array(self): """ Finishes the array field. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in an array field. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_ARRAY: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot end array in state '{self._state}'!") member_info = self._member_info_stack.pop() value = self._value_stack.pop() setattr( self._value_stack[-1], member_info.attributes[MemberAttribute.PROPERTY_NAME], value, ) self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND
[docs] def begin_compound(self, name): """ Creates a compound field within the current compound. :param name: Name of the compound field. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the field doesn't exist or when the creator is not in a compound. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot begin compound in state '{self._state}'!") member_info = self._find_member_info(self._get_type_info(), name) if MemberAttribute.ARRAY_LENGTH in member_info.attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException( "ZserioTreeCreator: Field " f"'{member_info.schema_name}' is an array!" ) if not TypeAttribute.FIELDS in member_info.type_info.attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException( f"ZserioTreeCreator: Field " f"'{member_info.schema_name}' is not a compound!" ) compound = self._create_object(member_info, self._value_stack[-1]) self._member_info_stack.append(member_info) self._value_stack.append(compound) self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND
[docs] def end_compound(self): """ Finishes the compound. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in a compound field. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND or not self._member_info_stack: raise PythonRuntimeException( f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot end compound in state '{self._state}'" + (", expecting end_root!" if not self._member_info_stack else "!") ) if MemberAttribute.ARRAY_LENGTH in self._member_info_stack[-1].attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException("ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot end compound, it's an array element!") member_info = self._member_info_stack.pop() value = self._value_stack.pop() setattr( self._value_stack[-1], member_info.attributes[MemberAttribute.PROPERTY_NAME], value, )
[docs] def set_value(self, name: str, value: typing.Any): """ Sets field value within the current compound. :param name: Name of the field. :param value: Value to set. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the field doesn't exist or when the creator is not in a compound. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot set value in state '{self._state}'!") member_info = self._find_member_info(self._get_type_info(), name) if value is not None: if MemberAttribute.ARRAY_LENGTH in member_info.attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException( "ZserioTreeCreator: Expecting array in field " f"'{member_info.schema_name}'!" ) if not isinstance(value, member_info.type_info.py_type): raise PythonRuntimeException( f"ZserioTreeCreator: Unexpected value type '{type(value)}', " f"expecting '{member_info.type_info.py_type}'!" ) setattr( self._value_stack[-1], member_info.attributes[MemberAttribute.PROPERTY_NAME], value, )
[docs] def get_field_type(self, name: str) -> typing.Union[TypeInfo, RecursiveTypeInfo]: """ Gets type info of the expected field. :param name: Field name. :returns: Type info of the expected field. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in a compound. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND: raise PythonRuntimeException(f"ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot get field type in state '{self._state}'!") member_info = self._find_member_info(self._get_type_info(), name) return member_info.type_info
[docs] def begin_compound_element(self): """ Creates compound array element within the current array. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in an array of compounds. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_ARRAY: raise PythonRuntimeException( "ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot begin compound element in state " f"'{self._state}'!" ) member_info = self._member_info_stack[-1] if not TypeAttribute.FIELDS in member_info.type_info.attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException( f"ZserioTreeCreator: Field " f"'{self._member_info_stack[-1].schema_name}' is not a compound!" ) compound = self._create_object(member_info, self._value_stack[-2], len(self._value_stack[-1])) self._value_stack.append(compound) self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND
[docs] def end_compound_element(self) -> None: """ Finishes the compound element. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in a compound element. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_COMPOUND or not self._member_info_stack: raise PythonRuntimeException( "ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot end compound element in state " f"'{self._state}'" + (", expecting end_root!" if not self._member_info_stack else "!") ) if not MemberAttribute.ARRAY_LENGTH in self._member_info_stack[-1].attributes: raise PythonRuntimeException("ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot end compound element, not in array!") value = self._value_stack.pop() self._value_stack[-1].append(value) self._state = ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_ARRAY
[docs] def add_value_element(self, value: typing.Any) -> None: """ Adds the value to the array. :param value: Value to add. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in an array of simple values. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_ARRAY: raise PythonRuntimeException( "ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot add value element in state " f"'{self._state}'!" ) element_type_info = self._member_info_stack[-1].type_info if value is not None and not isinstance(value, element_type_info.py_type): raise PythonRuntimeException( f"ZserioTreeCreator: Unexpected value type '{type(value)}', expecting " f"'{element_type_info.py_type}'!" ) self._value_stack[-1].append(value)
[docs] def get_element_type(self) -> typing.Union[TypeInfo, RecursiveTypeInfo]: """ Gets type info of the expected array element. :returns: Type info of the expected array element. :raises PythonRuntimeException: When the creator is not in an array. """ if self._state != ZserioTreeCreator._State.IN_ARRAY: raise PythonRuntimeException("ZserioTreeCreator: Cannot get element type in state '{self._state}'!") member_info = self._member_info_stack[-1] return member_info.type_info
def _get_type_info(self) -> typing.Union[TypeInfo, RecursiveTypeInfo]: return self._member_info_stack[-1].type_info if self._member_info_stack else self._root_type_info @staticmethod def _find_member_info(type_info: typing.Union[TypeInfo, RecursiveTypeInfo], name: str) -> MemberInfo: members = type_info.attributes[TypeAttribute.FIELDS] for member in members: if member.schema_name == name: return member raise PythonRuntimeException( f"ZserioTreeCreator: Field '{name}' not found in " f"'{type_info.schema_name}'!" ) @staticmethod def _create_object( member_info: MemberInfo, parent: typing.Any, element_index: typing.Optional[int] = None, ) -> typing.Any: args = [] if MemberAttribute.TYPE_ARGUMENTS in member_info.attributes: for argument_lambda in member_info.attributes[MemberAttribute.TYPE_ARGUMENTS]: args.append(argument_lambda(parent, element_index)) return member_info.type_info.py_type(*args) class _State(enum.Enum): BEFORE_ROOT = IN_COMPOUND = IN_ARRAY =