Source code for zserio.debugstring

The module provides utilities for JSON debug string which can be obtained from zserio objects.

.. note:: Zserio objects must be generated with `-withTypeInfoCode` zserio option to enable JSON debug string!

import io
import typing

from zserio.walker import Walker, WalkFilter
from zserio.json import JsonWriter, JsonReader

[docs]def to_json_stream( obj: typing.Any, text_io: typing.TextIO, *, indent: typing.Union[None, int, str] = 4, walk_filter: typing.Optional[WalkFilter] = None ) -> None: """ Writes contents of given zserio object to debug stream in JSON format using Walker with JsonWriter. Example: .. code:: python import io import zserio obj = SomeZserioObject() text_io = io.StringIO() zserio.to_json_stream(obj, text_io) The function allows usage of walk filters as well. The following example shows filtering of arrays up to 5 elements: .. code:: python import io import zserio obj = SomeZserioObject() text_io = io.StringIO() walk_filter = zserio.ArrayLengthWalkFilter(5) zserio.to_json_stream(obj, text_io, walk_filter=walk_filter) :param obj: Zserio object to use. :param text_io: Text stream to use. :param indent: Indent argument for JsonWriter. :param walk_filter: Walk filter to use by Walker. """ json_writer = JsonWriter(text_io=text_io, indent=indent) walker = Walker(json_writer, walk_filter) walker.walk(obj)
[docs]def to_json_string( obj: typing.Any, *, indent: typing.Union[None, int, str] = 4, walk_filter: typing.Optional[WalkFilter] = None ) -> str: """ Gets debug string in JSON format using Walker with JsonWriter for given zserio object. Example: .. code:: python import zserio obj = SomeZserioObject() zserio.to_json_string(obj) The function allows usage of walk filters as well. The following example shows filtering of arrays up to 5 elements: .. code:: python import zserio obj = SomeZserioObject() walk_filter = zserio.ArrayLengthWalkFilter(5) zserio.to_json_string(obj, walk_filter=walk_filter) :param obj: Zserio object to use. :param indent: Indent argument for JsonWriter. :param walk_filter: Walk filter to use by Walker. :returns: JSON debug string. """ text_io = io.StringIO() to_json_stream(obj, text_io, indent=indent, walk_filter=walk_filter) return text_io.getvalue()
[docs]def to_json_file( obj: typing.Any, filename: str, *, indent: typing.Union[None, int, str] = 4, walk_filter: typing.Optional[WalkFilter] = None ) -> None: """ Writes contents of given zserio object to debug file in JSON format using Walker with JsonWriter. Example: .. code:: python import zserio obj = SomeZserioObject() zserio.to_json_file(obj, "file_name.json") The function allows usage of walk filters as well. The following example shows filtering of arrays up to 5 elements: .. code:: python import zserio obj = SomeZserioObject() walk_filter = zserio.ArrayLengthWalkFilter(5) zserio.to_json_file(obj, "file_name.json", walk_filter=walk_filter) :param obj: Zserio object to use. :param filename: Name of file to write. :param indent: Indent argument for JsonWriter. :param walk_filter: Walk filter to use by Walker. """ with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as text_io: to_json_stream(obj, text_io, indent=indent, walk_filter=walk_filter)
[docs]def from_json_stream( obj_class: typing.Type[typing.Any], text_io: typing.TextIO, *arguments: typing.List[typing.Any] ) -> typing.Any: """ Parses JSON debug string from given text stream and creates instance of the requested zserio object according to the data contained in the debug string. .. note:: The created object can be only partially initialized depending on the data stored in the JSON debug string. .. code:: python import io import zserio text_io = io.StringIO("{\\\"field1\\\": 13}") obj = zserio.from_json_stream(SomeZserioObject, text_io) :param obj_class: Class instance of the generated object to create. :param text_io: Text stream to use. :param arguments: Arguments of the generated zserio object. :returns: Instance of the requested zserio object. :raises PythonRuntimeException: In case of any error. """ json_reader = JsonReader(text_io) return, *arguments)
[docs]def from_json_string( obj_class: typing.Type[typing.Any], json_string: str, *arguments: typing.List[typing.Any] ) -> typing.Any: """ Parses JSON debug string and creates instance of the requested zserio object according to the data contained in the debug string. .. note:: The created object can be only partially initialized depending on the data stored in the JSON debug string. .. code:: python import zserio json_string = "{\\\"field1\\\": 13}" obj = zserio.from_json_string(SomeZserioObject, json_string) :param obj_class: Class instance of the generated object to create. :param json_string: JSON debug string to parse. :param arguments: Arguments of the generated zserio object. :returns: Instance of the requested zserio object. :raises PythonRuntimeException: In case of any error. """ return from_json_stream(obj_class, io.StringIO(json_string), *arguments)
[docs]def from_json_file( obj_class: typing.Type[typing.Any], filename: str, *arguments: typing.List[typing.Any] ) -> typing.Any: """ Parses JSON debug string from given file and creates instance of the requested zserio object according to the data contained in the debug string. .. note:: The created object can be only partially initialized depending on the data stored in the JSON debug string. .. code:: python import zserio obj = zserio.from_json_file(SomeZserioObject, "file_name.json") :param obj_class: Class instance of the generated object to create. :param filename: File name to read. :param arguments: Arguments of the generated zserio object. :returns: Instance of the requested zserio object. :raises PythonRuntimeException: In case of any error. """ with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as text_io: return from_json_stream(obj_class, text_io, *arguments)