Zserio C++ runtime library  1.0.2
Built for Zserio 2.14.1
StringConvertUtil.h File Reference
#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include "zserio/RebindAlloc.h"
#include "zserio/String.h"

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template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_unsigned< T >::value, int >::type = 0>
const char * zserio::convertIntToString (std::array< char, 24 > &buffer, T value)
void zserio::convertFloatToString (std::array< char, 24 > &integerPartBuffer, std::array< char, 24 > &floatingPartBuffer, float value, const char *&integerPartString, const char *&floatingPartString)
const char * zserio::convertBoolToString (bool value)
template<typename ALLOC , typename T >
string< ALLOC > zserio::toString (T value, const ALLOC &allocator=ALLOC())
template<typename ALLOC >
string< ALLOC > zserio::toString (bool value, const ALLOC &allocator=ALLOC())
template<typename T >
string< std::allocator< char > > zserio::toString (T value)